What's the Plan Stan?

Posted on Tuesday, 23 July 2024 under Health & Safety

Our health and safety focus for July and August is ‘What’s the Plan, Stan?’ – making sure you're equipped for emergencies at home and at work.

Part of being ready for emergencies is making sure everyone in your household knows what your emergency plan is. Have a chat with your household, including children, and make sure they know what to do if an emergency happens.

Think about these questions to help you fill out your emergency plan.

  • If you’re stuck at home, do you have enough supplies for three days or more? Do you have torches, batteries, and a first aid kit? Where are these things stored? You may need to find them in the dark.
  • If authorities instruct you, or if you suspect there’s a leak or damaged lines, you may need to turn off power, water, and gas. Make some notes on how to turn these off.
  • If there’s no power, how will you stay warm, cook, and see at night? Do you have spare cash in case ATMs aren’t working? Do you have fuel in case pumps aren’t working?
  • If there’s no water, do you have enough drinking water stored (three litres per person per day), including water for pets? What will you cook and clean with? What will you use for a toilet?
  • Do you have grab bags with supplies for everyone in case you need to evacuate? What’s in them, and where are they stored?
  • Where will you go if you need to evacuate and how will you get there? Where will you stay if you can’t get back to your home? What hazards might be around you, i.e. tsunami evacuation zones?

Remember to send your emergency plan to HealthandSafetyAdmin@anzcofoods.com by Wednesday 31 July 2024 and be in to win a $100 Prezzy Card, or your kids can enter the colouring competition and be in to win one of five $30 Paper Plus vouchers! We won’t store, reproduce, or use your plan for any reason other than this competition – we just want to make sure you’ve got a plan in place!

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