ANZCO Foods Green Island

ANZCO Foods Green Island, located in Dunedin, New Zealand is a manufacturing site that produces Angel Bay beef, lamb and veggie patties which are sold in New Zealand for food-service and retail, and in Australia for food-service. The patty business was started in 1995, and operates all year round.
15 Carnforth Street
Green Island
Dunedin 9018
T: +64 3 478 8033

Otago Region
ANZCO Foods’ Green Island site employs 96 people and directly contributes $18m each year to the region through wages, salaries, and supplier payments.
ANZCO Foods Green Island Site Information
96 Employees
Male 52%
Female 48%New Zealand 75%
Other worldwide locations 25% -
Infrastructure & history
The patty business was started by ANZCO Foods in 1995.
The site produces ANZCO Foods’ Angel Bay patties, which are sold in New Zealand and Australia for food-service and retail.
Site operation
The site operates all year round.
Key community support
- Product is donated to schools and agriculture sector events for fundraisers.