Supplier of Goods, Services & Works
Who This Applies To
The section of the ANZCO Foods website is for suppliers of goods, services or works (excluding livestock and certain ancillary services related to livestock) to ANZCO Foods Limited sites within New Zealand (“Suppliers”). If you are supplying one of our offshore locations please note that different provisions will apply and queries should be directed to the relevant offshore business.
Standard payment terms
Our standard payment terms are the 20th of the month following the month of the invoice date, or the next working day where the 20th falls on a weekend of public holiday.
For example this means that if you are invoicing for goods delivered or work completed in the month of March, you need to date your invoice in March; if this isn’t done it will affect payment timeliness e.g. an invoice dated 31 March will be due for payment on the 20th of April, however an invoice dated 1 April will be due for payment on the 20th of May.
You also need to get your invoices into us as early as possible; this will give us time to let you know should there be any issues. The cut off for processing of invoices is four full working days before the 20th of each month. Any variation to payment terms must be approved either by our Group Purchasing & Commercial Manager or Chief Financial Officer prior to engagement; changes to payment terms will generally only be approved in exceptional circumstances.
Invoices and credit notes
The following process applies to all invoices and credit notes issued by Suppliers to ANZCO Foods.
1. Have an approved purchase order
Before you start any work for us make sure you have an approved purchase order. It is part of our internal approval process to require work to be undertaken by a Supplier only if a purchase order has been created and approved. This requirement may only be waived in genuine emergencies where a purchase order cannot be issued in advance.
The valid purchase order number must be displayed on the invoice; this is a requirement for payment and provides evidence that the purchase has been internally approved. Equally if you are sending us a credit note, reference to the invoice and/or purchase order it relates to must be displayed on the credit note. Invoices received without a purchase order number will be sent back to the relevant Supplier to rectify; please note that this may delay payment, so it’s important that a valid purchase order number is provided on each invoice when it is first submitted.
2. Make sure your details are correct
When you receive a purchase order make sure your details shown are correct:
If any of your details have changed (for example the legal name or trading name of your business, address, bank account number, email address or GST Number) you need to advise us immediately of that change; a new purchase order may need to be created. Please email with any changes and we will advise you of the next steps; this may involve filling out a new Supplier application form in some circumstances.
For missing or incorrect bank details one of the following is required:
- A screen shot of the internet banking details;
- A copy of a recent bank statement;
- A pre-printed bank deposit slip; or
- A document on bank letterhead/stamped by the bank displaying the required information.
Note: We only require the account name, account number, bank name and bank logo from the documentation, this is an audit requirement; you can blank out or redact any other information you like (such as account balances if a bank statement is provided).
3. Make sure ANZCO Foods’ details are correct
Make sure our details are entered correctly in your system and shown on the invoice/credit note. These are shown on the purchase order document. ANZCO Foods contracts with all Suppliers as “ANZCO Foods Limited” regardless of which site you are supplying. Each purchase order will specify the site to be supplied by name (e.g. ANZCO Foods Canterbury) and the associated delivery address.
If you supply multiple ANZCO Foods sites, please ensure that ANZCO Foods Limited is set up as the parent account, and child accounts for each ANZCO Foods site that you supply. If possible, individual statements for each site are preferred.
4. Ensure GST details are correct
If you are required to charge GST, the invoice/credit note you provide must be valid for GST purposes. In addition to the points above to accept your invoice/credit note, it must include the information required by law and any additional information required by ANZCO Foods’ “Standard Terms and Conditions for Purchase Orders” or any applicable contract for supply.
IMPORTANT: Your invoice must include a purchase order number and be for only the approved goods, services or works shown on the purchase order. Your credit note must reference the invoice and/or purchase order it relates to.
5. Make sure your tax invoice or credit note shows the right information
A tax invoice must show:
- The words "tax invoice" in a prominent place;
- The legal name (and/or trading name) and GST number of the Supplier;
- The name and address of the recipient, in this case “ANZCO Foods Limited”;
- The approved purchase order number;
- The date the invoice was issued;
- A description of the goods, services and/or works supplied;
- The quantity of the goods, services and/or works supplied calculated correctly (e.g. number of boxes, hours of labour, etc.); and
- It must have either:
1. The amount, excluding tax, charged for the supply, the GST and the total amount payable for the supply, or
2. A statement that GST is included in the final price if it has been.
Note: due to the range of values invoiced by Suppliers, we require the >$1,000 attributes specified by the Goods and Services Tax Act 1985 to be displayed on every invoice.
A credit note must show:
- The words "credit note" in a prominent place;
- The legal name (or trading name) and GST number of the Supplier;
- The name and address of the recipient, in this case “ANZCO Foods Limited”;
- The original purchase order number or the Supplier’s invoice number to which the credit note relates;
- The date the credit note was issued;
- A brief explanation of why it was issued; and
- It must also have either:
1. The amount including GST shown on the tax invoice, the correct amount payable including GST and the difference between the two amounts of GST charged, or
2. The difference between the incorrect and correct amount, and a statement that the difference includes GST.
Important: As with tax invoices, only one credit note can be issued. If a copy is needed, it must be clearly marked "copy only".
6. Send invoices to the right place and in the right format
Make sure you send all invoices and credit notes to the correct email address using the correct format:
- Email to:
- Format: PDF (1 invoice per PDF)
If possible, native PDF documents that include the invoice text in a computer readable format are preferred rather than a scanned PDF. Invoices should always be provided to the above e-mail address and not directly to ANZCO Foods sites or contacts; failure to send invoices directly to the apqueries e-mail address may delay payment.
New Suppliers
If you are not set up as a Supplier in our system you will be required to go through a formal Supplier setup process. Purchase orders cannot be raised, nor invoices paid until this is completed.
Please see the following documents for new Suppliers:
- Information about ANZCO Foods for new Suppliers of Goods, Services or Works; and,
- Standard Terms and Conditions for Purchase Orders.
New Suppliers and those making significant changes to their details are required to complete Appendix A and return this to the relevant ANZCO Foods contact, along with the appropriate bank account confirmation document (see point 2 above) in order to progress the new Supplier set up.
Withholding Tax
We are required by law to deduct withholding tax for certain types of goods or services supplied to us. If we suspect that you fall into this category we will notify you and require you to provide either a Certificate of Exemption from IRD or a completed IR330C declaration.
Further information about types of supply that are subject to withholding tax is available at the IRD website
Contact us
You can contact the ANZCO Foods Requisition to Payments team via the following methods:
- Email:
- Phone: +64 3 357 1777
Our normal business hours are 8:30am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday. We are closed on public holidays (including Canterbury Anniversary Day).