Livestock Supply - Standard Terms and Conditions

ANZCO Foods has updated its terms and conditions to supply livestock to us. The key changes relate to our health and safety obligations, specifically clauses 8.1, 8.4, 8.5 and 8.7. We are making these changes because we have a better understanding of our PCBU responsibilities.

ANZCO Foods has joint health and safety responsibilities for the areas on our suppliers’ farms which our employees and contractors access. For ANZCO Foods this is the loading facilities and access ways only.

These are not new requirements; but we’re working with a company to develop a solution that makes it easier for all of us to meet our responsibilities. We’ll be rolling out the solution from early 2025.

There’s more information below on what a PCBU is.

What is a PCBU and why is it important?

In New Zealand, the term PCBU (Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking) refers to any entity or anybody who carries out a business or any other type of work activity. A PCBU can be a company, partnership, sole trader, government agency, or any organisation that employs workers or controls a workplace.

All PCBUs that carry out work in a shared workplace, or who are working together as part of a contracting chain, have overlapping health and safety duties.

Where a PCBU (e.g. an ANZCO Foods livestock rep or contracted truck driver) is aware of a hazard or risk that they are unable to eliminate, they have a responsibility to ensure this is adequately communicated.

What are our PCBU responsibilities?

  • Proactively identifying and managing hazards and risks
  • Monitoring our own workers and any subcontractors we engage with
  • Putting in place clear and effective reporting procedures
  • Setting up a clear framework to provide and share information
  • Setting a clear framework for ongoing monitoring and compliance.