What's the Plan Stan | July and August Health and Safety Focus

Posted on Monday, 8 July 2024 under Health & Safety

Our health and safety focus for July and August is ‘What’s the Plan, Stan?’ – making sure you're equipped for emergencies at home and at work.

Part of being ready for emergencies is making sure everyone in your household knows what your emergency plan is. Have a chat with your household, including children, and make sure they know what to do if an emergency happens.

In July, fill out the Emergency Plan template (linked below or available around your site), send it back to us at HealthandSafetyAdmin@anzcofoods.com by 31 July 2024, and you’ll be in the draw to win a $100 Prezzy Card. We won’t store, reproduce, or use your plan for any reason other than this competition – we just want to make sure you’ve got a plan in place!

We’re also running a colouring competition for children. You can find the colouring page linked below – just photograph or scan and email these to HealthandSafetyAdmin@anzcofoods.com by 31 July 2024 and your kids will go in the draw to win one of five $30 Paper Plus vouchers!

What's the Plan, Stan? Emergency plan template
What's the Plan, Stan? Colouring competition

Think about these questions to help you fill out your emergency plan.

  • Do you have enough formula, nappies etc for any babies or young children for three days or more? Are their supplies included in your grab bag?
  • Do you have enough water and food to last three days or more? Do you have someone who will look after your animals if you can’t get home? How will you transport and keep animals safe in an emergency?
  • Will anyone in your household need extra help in an emergency? Does anyone need mobility equipment or prescription medicine, and do they have enough supplies for three days or more, or alternative options if power isn’t available?
  • Make a list of neighbours, friends, and family who might need your help and their contact details.
  • If you are separated and can’t contact your household when an emergency occurs, where will you go and how will you get there
  • Make a list of any other useful contacts – your council’s emergency line, work, school, doctor, landlord, insurance and power companies you use, and family members. 
  • If you can’t pick up children from school, daycare, or afterschool programmes, who will? 
  • How will you find the latest news and updates? Which radio stations will you listen to? What social media channels will you check?

Try these emergency planning tips from members of the Health and Safety governance group:

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