Half-Arsed Stops Here - an update from Safer Farms

Posted on Wednesday, 27 September 2023

In our August update, we advised that ANZCO Foods had got on board with Safer Farms and signed the Farm Without Harm Pledge to join the movement to be part of the solution to protect people in the industry.

It’s been almost three months since the Farm Without Harm strategy and Half Arsed Stops Here campaigns were launched, and the team at Safer Farms have provided an update.

So far, there have been almost 200 pledges signed from organisations, representing a combined 40,000 farmers. The campaign video has been played more than 42,000 times. But this is just the beginning…

Jack knows ‘she’ll be right’ is no longer good enough.

Thanks to Jack Raharuhi for sharing his story.


We all know that ‘she’ll be right’ is no longer good enough. Jack Raharuhi, West Coast Dairy Farmer and Pāmu Business Manager, knows this more than most.

Having experienced two team fatalities on farm, Jack has seen the real impact on communities when we don’t put ourselves and health and safety first.

Jack is backing our Half Arsed Stops Here campaign to encourage us all to challenge the complacency and attitudes that result in too many injuries and deaths on New Zealand farms.

Take 90 seconds out of your day to hear what changes he made to prevent harm on farm.  Share this video far and wide, let’s learn from each other.

You can find out more information on the Farm Without Harm website, including how you can become a member, and like us here at ANZCO Foods, commit to a safer future by signing the pledge and being part of the solution.

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