Bill Keenan retires after 30 years at ANZCO!

Posted on Monday, 8 July 2024 under ANZCO Stories

William Keenan (known around site as Bill), recently retired from ANZCO Foods Marlborough after working for us for 30 years. He started in the boning room before working in the freezers, blood plasma operation, skid room (cleaning hooks and wheels), and finally moving to the offal room. He enjoyed getting to know many different people while working at ANZCO and keeps in touch with many of his colleagues.

Before joining ANZCO Foods he was a qualified baker, working as a pastry chef and baker, and delivering bread.

He’ll be kept busy in retirement with his hobbies – he enjoys walking, golf, and spending time with his grandchildren. He also enjoys travelling with his partner.

Thank you for your dedication and hard work, Bill – all the best for your well-deserved retirement!

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