Weathering the storms together

Posted on Tuesday, 15 October 2024 under Latest Edition

The prolonged wet weather and lack of sunshine have taken a toll on Southland’s farmers, with soil moisture levels soaring past 80% - and in many cases, reaching an overwhelming 95-100%. This has led to greater-than-usual lamb losses, and ewes are struggling to produce milk due to the lack of feed. The muddy conditions are also raising concerns about infections from tailing, docking, and inoculating, while lower weight gains add to the challenges.

Animal welfare is understandably at the forefront of concerns for many farmers. And on top of that, higher input costs, rising interest rates (although they’re thankfully trending down), and reduced product prices are creating financial pressure. It’s tough out there, but remember — you’re not in this alone. Many others in your community are facing similar struggles, so don’t hesitate to check in with your neighbours. A simple conversation can go a long way.

The Rural Support Trust is here to help. They’re working closely with rural stakeholders to keep an eye on the situation and offer support wherever needed. The Trust helps individuals and families bounce back from tough times and is connected with local networks, including Civil Defence, Work and Income, and other rural professionals. Best of all, the folks at the Rural Support Trust are locals who’ve experienced the ups and downs of rural life themselves, so you can trust their help is free, confidential, and comes from a place of understanding.

If you need a hand anytime, give the Rural Support Trust a call on 0800 787 254. Whether it’s related to health and wellbeing, employer or employee support, financial pressure, animal welfare, biosecurity, weather, or something else entirely, know you’re not alone.

Find out more here: Rural Support Trust: Help and support for rural NZ (

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