Financial Fitness

Posted on Thursday, 5 October 2023 under Financial Fitness

Much like physical fitness, financial fitness takes effort, discipline, and determination. As you would if you were training for a marathon, setting a goal and taking regular small steps towards that goal is the way to achieve financial fitness.

We often underestimate what we can accomplish over time!


Where do I start

When it comes to financial wellbeing, sometimes it can be hard to know where to start. There are plenty of excellent FREE resources online to help you set - and achieve - your money goals.

  • ​​​​​​​MoneyTalks: resources including a downloadable financial plan of action and budget worksheets. MoneyTalks also provide a FREE financial helpline and live chat service.
  • Sorted: a range of tools are available including a debt calculator, retirement calculator, and a KiwiSaver fund finder, as well as guides on managing your finances while navigating various stages of life.
  • Every Dollar Counts: ​​​​​​​The Every Dollar Counts website focuses on reducing spending, and gives tips on how to save on housing, food, electricity, transport, and more. This website is a free, independent, community service provided by a New Zealand charitable trust.


Apps to save money

Did you know that there are some super handy apps you can have right at your fingertips every day? These three will help with grocery shopping, finding the cheapest gas, and meal prepping.

  • Grocer helps you out by showing you the cheapest prices and best deals for things across your preferred stores. Simply select your preferred stores, scan a product barcode or search for it, and the Grocer app will show you the price of the item across the various selected stores. From there, you can add products to a shopping list. 
  • Gaspy app is New Zealand's original fuel finding app that tells you where the cheapest fuel is in your area. Save hundreds of dollars a year by joining the community of like-minded Kiwis and help locate and share the best petrol and diesel prices in the country.
  • MealPrepProis a great app for healthy meal planning and prepping to save money. With thousands of easy recipes, customised to your calorie needs, save money and time... and reach your goals.


Rather listen?

If you'd rather listen to some helpful tips for managing money, check out these helpful podcasts.


Keen to learn more?

You might also like to check out these helpful websites:

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