Hazardous Substances - What's the Plan, Stan?

Posted on Monday, 5 August 2024 under Health & Safety

Our health and safety focus for July and August is ‘What’s the Plan, Stan?’ – making sure you're equipped for emergencies at home and at work.

Hazardous substances are chemicals that are used on our sites that can cause serious health issues or injury. The next part of our current health and safety focus is on keeping safe around these chemicals.

It’s important that you know what substances are used around you and on your site. Every chemical comes with a Safety Data Sheet, which provides safe handling procedures and what to do if you come into contact with the chemical.

Use the correct PPE to create a barrier between you and the chemical. This might include a respirator, a face shield, chemical gloves, a lab coat, and safety goggles.

Know who your first aiders are so you can call on them in an emergency. If you’re unsure who your first aiders are, ask your supervisor or a health and safety rep.

All sites have spill kits that are used to contain a substance spill. These should contain the materials to manage spills of different chemicals and quantities held at sites.

The winners of the emergency plan and colouring competition will be announced soon!


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