How to have better conversations | Speak Up 2024

Posted on Sunday, 9 June 2024 under Culture and Belonging

This week we feature some short videos to help us speak up:

Dealing with controversial topics and responding when someone says something inappropriate:

What to Say When Someone is Offensive ( (1 min 47)

How to Talk to Others About Controversial Topics ( (2 mins 05)

Have you heard the term micro-aggressions and wondered what it is?

Microaggression is a statement or action that indirectly, subtly, or unintentionally discriminations against a marginalised group such as a racial or ethnic minority. Other terms are subtle prejudice or backhanded compliments. For example: “You’ve done well compared to other people like you.”

Here’s a short video about addressing microaggressions: (1 min 40)

How to Address Microagressions (

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