March and April's health and safety focus continues

Posted on Monday, 25 March 2024 under Health & Safety

This week, Te Whare Tapa Whā quiz is on ‘hinengaro’, mental and emotional health; checking in with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. You can take the quiz here.

Choose whether you agree or disagree with each statement, and at the end you’ll receive a score. You can use this score to reflect on your wellbeing, and either continue doing what works for you, or explore resources and ways to improve your wellbeing. Remember that your answers are completely anonymous and will not be shared – this is a tool for your reference only.

If your score is lower than you expected, try some of these resources and activities to boost your mental and emotional health:

  • Download Groov, an app that helps you monitor your mental wellbeing
  • Call ‘Need to Talk’ on 1737 to have a free chat to a counsellor
  • Contact Vitae, ANZCO’s free confidential counselling service, on 0508 664 981
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