Safe driving in winter

Posted on Tuesday, 18 June 2024 under Health & Safety

It’s the time of year when roads are icy on cold mornings, so this is a good reminder to drive to the conditions, no matter the weather.

Before you head to work in the morning, check these things:

  1. When conditions are wet or icy, older tyres can increase the time it takes your car to stop. Make sure your tyres have a tread of at least 3mm.
  2. If it’s currently or has recently been raining or snowing, maintain a larger following distance than you would use in fine weather.
  3. Avoid sudden braking or turning movements, and accelerate smoothly to avoid skidding
  4. Make sure your windows are clear before heading to work and leave in plenty of time
  5. Sunstrike can be at its worst in winter. You can help manage the glare by keeping your windscreen clean and having sunglasses ready. If you can’t see, pull over and wait until visibility improves.
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