ANZCO Foods CEO update - February 2023

Posted on Thursday, 16 February 2023 under CEO Updates

Our thoughts are with everyone around the country struggling to cope with the recent weather events – from the prolonged and heavy rain experienced through much of the North Island, to the extremely dry conditions in the South.

The Government has provided an initial $4m to help where the sector is impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle and more money is likely to be committed once the widespread damage can be fully assessed.

This assessment is likely to take some time and the industry is working together to support farmers and communities impacted once we have more information.

All our processing sites are operating but we recognise that on-farm effects and roading issues may affect your ability to get livestock away, so we ask you to stay in touch with your livestock representatives.

This is going to be very hard on so many already under significant stress and pressure, so here are some support links and contact numbers:

  • MPI website (Dealing with floods)
  • DairyNZ: 0800 4 DairyNZ (0800 432 479 69)
  • Beef + Lamb New Zealand: 0800 BEEFLAMB (0800 233 352)
  • Federated Farmers: 0800 FARMING (0800 327 646)
  • Rural Support Trust on 0800 RURAL HELP or 0800 787 254

Take care and stay safe.

Peter Conley
ANZCO Foods Chief Executive

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